Paris, France – Pavel Durov, the billionaire founder and CEO of Telegram, was arrested on Saturday, August 25, at the Bourget airport outside Paris. The arrest, which was first reported by French news outlets TF1 and BFM TV, occurred as Durov was traveling aboard his private jet from Azerbaijan. The arrest was reportedly connected to an ongoing preliminary police investigation in France.
According to sources cited by TF1, the investigation focuses on the lack of moderators on Telegram, which authorities believe has allowed criminal activities to persist unchecked on the popular messaging platform. Durov’s arrest is tied to these allegations, though details on the specific charges have yet to be fully disclosed.

The Russian Embassy in France has stated that it is taking "immediate" measures to clarify the situation, according to a report by the state news agency TASS. However, the embassy also mentioned that it has not yet been contacted by Durov's team.
Durov, who was born in Russia, has a history of standing up to government demands that conflict with his views on privacy and freedom of expression. He left Russia in 2014 after refusing to comply with the government's request to shut down opposition communities on VKontakte (VK), a social media platform he founded. He later sold VK and focused on developing Telegram, which has since become one of the leading messaging apps globally.
Telegram, particularly popular in Russia, Ukraine, and other former Soviet states, faced a ban in Russia in 2018 after Durov refused to hand over user data to the authorities. The ban was lifted in 2021.
The platform is known for its strong encryption and commitment to user privacy, making it a favored tool for communication among users in regions with restrictive regimes. However, this same commitment has drawn criticism, as some argue that it facilitates criminal activities by making it difficult for law enforcement to monitor communications.
As the investigation continues, the arrest of one of the tech world's most prominent figures is likely to raise significant questions about the balance between privacy and security in the digital age.
No further details about Durov's legal status or the next steps in the investigation have been released at this time. The story is developing, and updates are expected as more information becomes available.