Almora: On Wednesday, Uttarakhand Finance Minister Premchand Aggarwal presented the budget for the financial year 2023-24 with a total income expenditure of Rs 77,407 crores. The budget was presented in the presence of Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, where the minister emphasized the importance of startups, conservation of nature, self-reliance, good governance, and self-employment.
One of the major announcements made by the state government was a monetary allocation worth Rs 1,000 crore for any rescue operations in Joshimath and other land subsistence-prone areas. This allocation is significant, as the state has been facing several natural disasters such as landslides, floods, and earthquakes in recent years.
Another significant allocation was the Rs 101 crore made available for the metro service in the state capital city Dehradun. This move is expected to provide a boost to public transportation in the city and make commuting easier for its residents.
The budget also focused on supporting small businesses and self-employment. The Chief Minister Swarojgar Yojana has been allocated Rs 40 crores for 2023-24. This scheme provides financial assistance and support to small businesses, helping them to grow and thrive.
The budget was received positively by BJP MLAs who thumped their desks on the mention of the anti-copying law. This indicates the government's commitment to cracking down on piracy and protecting intellectual property rights.
Before presenting the budget, the Uttarakhand government had presented its Economic Survey Report for 2022-23 in the Assembly. The report provided details of the progress of various departments, along with statistics related to the state's economy.
According to the report, the state's per capita income (provisional) for the year 2020-21 was estimated at Rs 185,761, while for the year 2021-22, it is estimated at Rs 205,840. This indicates a positive trend in the state's economy, and the government's efforts to promote growth and development seem to be paying off.
The budget session of the Uttarakhand Legislative Assembly began on March 13 in Chamoli district's Bhararisain. The session is expected to continue for a few more days, during which time the various proposals and allocations made in the budget will be discussed and debated.
Overall, the budget presented by Uttarakhand Finance Minister Premchand Aggarwal seems to be focused on promoting growth, development, and self-reliance in the state. With significant allocations made towards rescue operations, public transportation, and small businesses, the government seems to be taking steps in the right direction to promote a better future for the people of Uttarakhand.